Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cute Infestation

Dear tiny person invading my body,

I'm very excited for your arrival, and get more anxious for it every day. I've had the urge to scrub every surface in the house in preparation of your homecoming. I have not only arranged your tiny clothes by age but also by color. I have also been; imagining what you look like, getting your arrangements all cutsied up, and writing you very sappy letters (I mean every word!). Although I do want you here as soon as possible, I know you are much easier to take care of in there and I'm enjoying this part of the process too much to interrupt it now.

There are, however, a few things I won't miss once you are no longer borrowing my body.

#1. The inability to sleep
(i understand i might not get the chance to sleep much when you're here, i simply miss the ability to do so)

2. The fact my feet have turned into swollen, useless sausage lumps

3. My crowded, inflamed rib cage and the way you seem to love kicking it

4. The sensation of getting a head-butt to the bladder. Unsettling.

5. Heartburn triggered by breathing

6. Having the wind knocked out of me 15 times a day

7. The complete exhaustion I feel when I perform simple tasks such as brushing my teeth

But until you make your appearance, I will continue to enjoy....

1. Your daily bouts of hiccups

2. How I feel I can completely protect you in there

3. Your obvious large yawns where your arms stretch out and quiver

4. Your reactions to loud noises and prodding

5. Having incredible, vivid dreams about you

6. Counting down the days until D-day

7. Understanding all these aches are totally worth it

Excitedly and uncomfortably awaiting your arrival