Monday, August 22, 2011

Baby faces

While admiring my giggling little girl, a lady from church told me that Kenley was "Losing her baby looks". Which made sad! But she's right, my beautiful baby girl is becoming a beautiful toddler-ette. I'll just have to learn to accept it.... sigh....
This is us waiting for the bath water to warm up and passing the time most effectively :) Pay no attention to the ratty t-shirt I'm wearing. Every day when I get home from work I immediately get dressed in baggy sweats. Sexy right?

Sunday, August 21, 2011


My dad's company had one of their annual shin-digs, and this time we got to tag along! It was up snowbird where we got to ride the alpine slide, zip line, chair lifts, bounce house, and chase those weird fat chipmunks around. Kenley LOVED it!
She couldn't quite stay upright in the bounce house, but kept giggling the entire time.

I kept her in her monkey backpack but didn't need it most of the time since she loves her uncle Evan and Grandpa so much. She actually demanded that they both hold her hands constantly.
Kenley got to go down the alpine slide twice. While waiting for our sled to go down the first time we stood watching as people took off down the hill, and she would cheer and clap her hands in delight. When I took her down first she kept yelling "Wooooaa!" and giving me big grins.
The second time she went with BJ and she had the most serene grin on her face the whole time, almost like it was even a little boring!
She's going to be quite the daredevil :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

The 16 Month Itch

I've heard of this phenomenon before, but never thought i'd be so stereotypicaly mormon and want another baby so fast. But i've got the 16 month itch!

Every month that passes, I think of how old Kenley will be if I got pregnant right away. And then slightly panic for 3 reasons:

1. I want my children to have siblings close in years
2. I want to be done making babies by the time i'm 30
3. I remember how hard and painful pregnancy was and panic at the thought of doing it again!

My sister and I are 5 years apart and we're really close. But it's been difficult to always be in such different stages in life. And I want Kenley to have a sister!

I can't wait to be able to invite another baby into our family, but sometimes that horrible nagging part of my mind pops up and makes me wonder if I would be able to give as much love and attention to another baby as I have been able to with Kenley.
Family is so important to me and becoming a mom has helped me to look at life differently. My older brother and I have never been close, or even agreed on fundamental things. But Kenley is my first baby, she's the one that made me a mother, and she will always hold a special place for giving me that gift. And now, with that knowledge i've gained, I see my older brother through the eyes of my mom. It's helped me to gain understanding and make peace with my dysfunctional family relationships.

And if "what goes around, comes around" is the case with my daughters then bring it on! Because I still maintain that I was a treasure of a daughter, Mom ;)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Obsessions lately

Lately I have been obsessed with following fashion and craft blogs. Especially the ones with tutorials on re-vamping or creating new clothes. I have a sewing machine that I need to learn to use better, so i'm searching for inspiration.
In my search i've come across outfit ideas that i'm in love with.

I am obsessed with this mustard-yellow color. Especially when paired with navy blue. I really want a pair of these yellow tights.

When I was little I had a jean jacket that I loved so I never really thought wearing one now would help me look like a woman instead of a girl. But the look of a jean jacket and a maxi dress is really growing on me, plus i'm a jacket girl for the structure they supply.
Every winter I cry for the warmth and the sun, once it comes and i'm sweating and uncomfortable I mourn for the cool autumn weather. I love the comfort and style of layering. Boots and scarves are my favorite accessories, it's true love.
I've been craving a pair of white jeans. I think they're so stylish and versatile. The only problem is finding the perfect fit-and-fabric pairing that won't show the line of my G's or my cellulite. (yikes!)
I LOVE shoes. Who says diamonds are a girls best friend? My shoe size has been the same for over twelve years and it wont change! I really like a little bit of style that's mens-wear inspired, and I would wear these brown boots every day if they were mine. And the yellow ones? I have no idea what to wear with them but i'm so in love it doesn't matter, right?

Also i've noticed that, without meaning to, i've been dressing Kenley and I the same some days. For example; if i'm wearing my plaid button down top, so is she. Or if I feel like dressing up, i'll get K all dolled up too.
Some days I see myself in her so much it feels like i've been cloned. Or..... maybe it's wishful thinking. I just want her to be my bff, is that too much to ask?