Friday, June 24, 2011


Now that Kenley is understanding more of whats being said to her, she is talking a whole lot more (on, and on, and on, and on...) But she hasn't quite mastered many words just yet.
I love her tiny voice and the way she pronounces these words. But for those of you who don't speak Kenley, I have developed this K-ranslator key for your convenience

Bup - Book
Nins - Nose
Moe - Mouth
Baaaohh - Ball
(For ball, her mouth remains open for several seconds after. Yes. She is special)
Mahma - Grandma
Buhpa - Grandpa
Ap - Paci
Toot - Cute
No no no no- I don't like it!
Nana - Banana
Dit - Drake
Tis - Toes
Dis - This
Pees - Please
Shuss - Shoes
Hiiiii! - Everyone look at me! I'm really cute! When you say Hi back, i'll prove how cute I am by giggling and waving!

When she leans in for a hug or a kiss it's usually accompanied by an "Mmmmmm"

And my personal favorite ----- Aaaah vooo - Love you :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Um.... yay?

My sister doesn't read my blog, but even if she did I don't think she'd mind this post.... very much.
Last week Kari was married to Jonathan Proulx and I would love nothing more than to be excited for them. But i'm not. I'm worried.
It was an exhausting week: Jamming in getting brides maids dresses, cooking for the reception, the bridal shower, making corsages and the bouquet, and many many more things.
Kari and Jonathan met just 2 short months ago. Two months!!!
You really think you can get to know someone well enough in two months (they were actually engaged after one month) to say you will be with them forever?? Well I guess you know where I stand with all this. It has been stressing me out.
It's not that I don't like Jonathan, It's just that I don't know him and neither does Kari. I have learned to rely on my instincts and my gut was telling me to worry.
Oh well.
They got married anyways, and i'm hoping for the best. My sister is kind of awesome and I have a hard time imagining anyone living up to my expectations for her. Maybe that's my problem?
Kari and I are really close and have always had a great relationship. Everyone knows how close we are so instead of voicing their concerns to her they were coming to me, pulling me aside or calling me to talk to me about how they feel this wedding is a mistake. THEN they would tell me that it doesn't matter how we feel, that it's her choice and we need to be SUPPORTIVE!!
Contradiction??? I think so!!

Anywho... I think it's pretty obvious that I've had a really hard time hiding my disapproval. But I really did want it to be a good experience for Kari. So at her shower I did my best to put on a happy face, mingle with all her friends from school, and take pictures.
At one point, when the party was winding down, I leaned in and whispered "When do I get my Oscar?" to Melody (my step-mom). My aunt Anne overheard and gave me a little grin.
Later at my house this little guy showed up!

It had my name on it with the caption "Best Actress". It made me laugh for real for the first time that week.
Thanks Anne!

I'll post more about Kari's wedding later, when I have all the pictures.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Alabama trip part 4- Carrie's wedding!

It's been so busy for me that I haven't even thought about blogging about Carrie's wedding til this morning. But here's the short version:
We were able to be quite the team between the Driggers and Smithson's and create a beautiful wedding and reception for Carrie and Lee. I was so honored to be a part of it. I'm very thankful to have married into such a close family.
It was an amazing day for them. I have to say that Lee is a brave man to step up and become a step-father to two little boys. He's so patient and loving with them.
Carrie and Lee were sealed in the Birmingham AL temple, they were also sealed to Carrie's two boys Ethan and Malachi. It was such a special experience to witness this. When those boys came in wearing all white and silent (for the first time ever, I think) I lost it. I wish I could've bottled the spirit of that room, so that I could open it on hard days and feel better.
That night I was exhausted and all 3 of us slept a good 14 hours the following day.

BIG NEWS: Believe it or not.... Carrie and Lee weren't "not trying" to get pregnant.... and 2 weeks to the day of their wedding.... she got a positive pregnancy test!!! They've been married for almost a month now and looks like they will have an addition in 8 more.
.......And just got a puppy.... ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY??!!??

Alabama trip part 3

After the aquarium we traveled to the incline railroad. It went up so high!! The boys were so excited to get on the train they were almost vibrating with excitement and rode the whole way up with goofy grins on their faces. It was a lot of fun.
Next we made our way to beautiful rock city. It was a gorgeous garden that the owner turned into a kind of theme park. Complete with little enchanted elf caves, and displays of fairy tails. It was so gorgeous I could have spent all day there.