Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Say WHAT?!?!

I've been on the receiving end of some funny reactions to finding out I'm pregnant. Some of them were just too great to pass on sharing.
Among the constant flow of:
"How do you feel??"

I got hit with this one:
"Yay!! Oh wait.... was it planned?"

One that was a little awkward and dangerous:
"I've observed you're looking pregnant."
"Um, yes..... Six months now...."

From a good friend:
"Whose is it?"
(I hope he was joking)

From a co-worker:
"Oh no!"

And my personal favorite:
"No you're not. You're ridiculous."
-Believe it or not that's from my baby daddy, he took a little convincing :) I guess he thought I was playing a mean joke.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Birthday Weekend

Saturday was my birthday and I was planning on doing some grown-up things, turns out this grown-up stuff is no fun on your birthday so I pulled out this antique instead!

This is a hand-me-down I was very excited about, until I set it up and all it did was make "whirring" noises. So after much cursing and fighting (and lots of help from BJ) I finally got it in working order!
I was so excited cause for a long time I've wanted to learn how to sew. So I bought some cute owl fabric and set out making these burp cloths and receiving blankets. Congrats me, I made lumpy squares!

I love this fabric, Joann's is having a sale on all flannel fabrics like this through the rest of the month for all you crafty people.

I went shopping at Target with a gift card I got from RE/MAX and got this cute outfit! Thanks RE/MAX! I also went in for a trim, but INCHES later I don't think you can call it a trim. I love weekends like this because it's so hard for me to find time to do things like this, it was so nice!

Thanks for all the texts/calls/birthday wishes!! You all really made my day!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Does everything have to be PINK??

After initial excitement and much rejoicing, I wanted to get geared up for our little arrival. I decided to go shopping and view all the things we will need and make mental lists. I also thought it would be a great idea to find a fun outfit to bring home in celebration...... that's where my excitement faltered.
Every single little girls outfit was either disgustingly pink or covered in flowers.
Is it really necessary to dress up our infant girls as tiny floral pepto bismol bottles? For the first time, I worried that I was going to be the one needing reassuring about having a little girl. Don't dads go through this?
For the majority of my life I have fought my mom on getting anything too girly. I even remember getting my very first bra, after I tried it on my mom asked me how it fit. I replied "Great, now that I've removed the stupid little flower in the front." Mind you, this was an all white plain bra, and you can imagine how small a flower would have to be to fit in the front of a training bra!
Maybe I need some "girly girl" training. But I think I've devised the right plan.
1. I can handle purple. I actually really like this color and wish they made more purple baby outfits.
2. I do accessories. I have been focusing on headbands and tiny bracelets. Sooo cute!
3. Finding awesome sayings on onsies such as "Does this diaper make my butt look big?"-How funny is that!
If anyone has any suggestions on some little girl things for me, please pass them on!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Un-Sexy Halloween??

Halloween is one of my favorite days of the year. I love dressing up and having an excuse to get together with good friends and play some games and watch spooky movies. Little kids in their costumes are so darling!

But... one of the things thats really confusing to me is the mass of "Sexy" costumes (AKA: lingerie with a tail, or hat, or combat boots to complete the ensemble). Maybe its that i'm not a "flaunting" kind of girl, but some of these costumes are truly mind boggling as to why such characters were turned into something so provocative. I understand that showing skin is the goal with these.

The following, however, leave me with questions.......


Simple white nightie with 3 buttons and a scarf for this one. Or if you prefer, white underwear with three dots plastered to your skin. I never imagined my lumpy snow figure with a carrot in his face was something to aspire to.....

Animals: Dog, cat, Fish???
Can you say Bestiality? Sexy heroins such as Cat Woman aside, just because you love your Mr. Whiskers doesn't mean you need to dress up like him. Cats lick themselves and cough up hair balls, nuff said. Fish?? Really?? How are slimy things known for their bad smell attractive?


Not only is it the wrong Holiday, but who knew matronly Mrs. Clause had a boob job to look good on Christmas eve in her Bustier.

Raggedy Ann Doll

This must get some girl thinking she's gonna make something quirky and sexy.... Awful! I don't think children's toys should hold any sex-appeal. Look at her name "Raggedy". Raggedy+Sexy= ?? Same goes for you Rainbow Brite!

Sponge bob

Sure he looks happy to be plastered across her chest, but lets face it-its creepy and ugly.


Everything in my past has proven to me that when youre playing sports, you want to do everything in your power to strap those sweater puppies down. But, this costume seems to have a double purpose-showing off your assets while simultaneously letting all those guys think you have something in common. "Hey look! I like sports too!"


Doesn't make sense to me either. I've never seen a ref that wasn't a balding middle-aged man. Once again, stop pretending to love sports to give the opposite sex a false sense of camaraderie.

Taxi Driver

Do you have a dirty mouth and a bad attitude? People will think its all a great act when you dress up as this. I still don't know how a woman can be considered sexy when she's chain smoking and cursing about the Cubs.


This is just lazy. Don't have a costume ready for the big Halloween party? Don't stress! Just glue a few strategically placed leaves onto yourself and Voila! Not only does it reveal your toned tummy, but you'll appear deep and biblical.


Wanna be scary and sexy this Halloween? A zombie is a good way to go. Just slather yourself in green makeup so your skin looks like its rotting off and hike your tattered skirt up. You will be both terrifying and completely alluring!

Dude we look GOOD!

I LOVE being a big kid on Halloween. This year we dressed up again- I was a banana and BJ was a spoon. I'm so glad we weren't the only big kids dressed up this year! We had a devil-Janessa, and some hippies-The Zharts. Work was festive as these ladies always are! Jessica was a Bed Bug- in footie pajamas and bug eyes! How cute is that! And we had an outhouse! (For taking all the agents crap!) For some reason i didn't get a picture of BJ and I all dressed up or even of BJ in his spoon costume-but i do have Brandon modeling it here so you can imagine BJ wearing it :)
Some of my favorite highlights of the weekend:
I had an unplanned Banana twin.
I won the pumpkin carving contest with this creepy looking toothy face.
I'm amazed we got the babies to sit still and take this picture-they were all so cute in their little costumes!
We played our favorite "fight-starter" game-pictionary. The wives won! Get used to it men, women are superior.
And I stole sweet baby Zoie for most of the night (i'm holding her in this photo even, while BJ is being his super competitive self and making sure no one is slacking on the timer)

All in all a pretty fun weekend.
Thanks again Candice for hosting our fun get-togethers! And for giving us a big laugh by framing our picture of last years Reno 911 getup-so funny!