Sunday, July 17, 2011

RunnerCross 2011

I did my first actual 5k ever!
It was a relay and an obstacle course. We ran through a dirt course over hills, logs, fences, down a slip-n-slide and through paths of very sticky heavy mud.
It made me realize how out of shape I am and inspired me to really kick my own butt to get in shape for our triathlon this September.

By the end my entire body was caked in mud. It was the closest I've ever come
to looking tan. Kenley even loved watching and cheering with everyone. It was so funny watching her jump every time someone would cheer then see her face light up, scream in delight and clap her hands. Loved it!

I forgot my camera so the only shots we got were from BJ's phone but hopefully you can see the exhaustion and layers of earth all over us.

Karaleah Anne Prouxl

Here are just a few of my favorite shots from Kari's wedding. Isn't she so gorgeous!
My sister was a beautiful bride and everything went perfectly
4 Inch heels and she was still teeny

My beautiufl mother (I was mildly obsessed with her dress)
My handsome dad
The happy couple.

The reception was held at Jonathan's dad's house and they did a lot of work to landscape and decorate. It turned out gorgeous and romantic. Kari and Jonathan looked so happy and couldn't keep their hands off each other. The photographer even got a shot of them grabbing each others butts (but the little girl in me said "Ewie! Cooties!" and I couldn't bring myself to post it).

Congrats baby sister! I hope this marriage is the crazy-about-you, madly-in-love, lasts forever partnership you deserve.