Thursday, November 25, 2010

Look what I can do!

Kenley gets bigger and smarter every day! She's so beautiful and I can't believe I got so lucky to get to raise such a fun, sweet little girl. Each time she learns a new "trick" she does it non-stop for 2 days and giggles when you watch her.

A few of her favorite new things are:


Giving High fives



Pulling herself into standing

Feeding herself cheerios

Scratching/hitting things to make noise

Getting chased

Running her hands across the bars of her crib




She just recently learned how to climb the stairs and will bee-line for them any chance she gets.

If you're not looking at her and she wants your attention (or singing to her, or have a beard), she will cock her head to one side and gently touch your face.

I can't wait til she starts talking and I can learn what those faces she gives me mean! It has got to be some funny stuff!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Thankfuls

This Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for. Heres a quick list of some of my favorite blessings:

-My family
-Heating (especially the heated seats in my car)
-A Dishwasher (now that I finally have one to use I don't know how I ever went without one)
-Hot showers
-Kenley sleeping 12 hours at night
-Mineral Makeup
-My cell phone
-Diet pepsi
-The end of football season!
And a very happy thanksgiving to Carrie Driggers!! Soon to be Carrie Smithson this coming May!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blog satisfaction

I cant seem to fall in love with anything i've done to our blog. Please bear with me as I try once again to create something that I will be satisfied with for a while.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Money-Bags and Gold-Diggers

I am hopelessly addicted to TV and love to have it on to keep me occupied or just as background noise. I cant stand to have a quiet house, if its not the TV I have my ipod playing while I flit about the house cleaning and doing homework.

I feel better about using my ipod since a lot of the time I'm listening to audio books. (thats better right? gotta keep these things balanced!) But my TV addiction has exposed me to the trashy-dirty-self indulgent shows I cant turn away from.

(I even gave Dr. Phil and the Trya show a chance, but even this addict cant stand those big mouth, self-righteous hot air balloons. Who gave them a microphone in the first place???)

But one show I started watching and now I can't seem to tear my eyes away from the carnage- The millionaire matchmaker. Which I lovingly refer to as "Money-bags amd Gold-diggers".
I really don't understand how this crude, intrusive, surly woman is so successful. Especially since I haven't seen an episode yet where the matched-up couple actually sticks.
But STILL, i'm amazed at the amount of men and women that line up and stand through her abusive scrutiny!
I guess I shouldn't be surprised what people with no self-respect are willing to do for money.
I joke with BJ that my next marriage will be for money, or maybe I should just have a rich baby-daddy.
But really, anyone that snags themselves a millionaire will earn every penny-Ms. Patti has proven that to me!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

On a crafty note

Look what I made!!
It was our wards relief society craft exchange yesterday and I learned how to do so many fun things!
Just a few of the crafts:
Little girl purse/baby doll carrier
Christmas sweaters
Beaded watch bands
Ruffle-y t-shirts
Hair bows
and these head bands...
We also had a "tasting table" so we could taste the recipe before taking a copy and trying it at home. I have so many talented women in my new ward. I'm looking forward to learning from them.
(not the greatest quality picture but I thought her face was priceless!)
Do you ever have those "blah" days? Where nothing is really bad or wrong but you're still in a funk? Well I have the cure for your "blah"s! Go bowling with fun people like Morgan, Phil and Maddie! And hopefully you will, like us, have a sweet little bowler neighbor girl who just wants to hold your babies hand, and Maddie will bust out her awesome break dancing moves.