Thursday, November 25, 2010

Look what I can do!

Kenley gets bigger and smarter every day! She's so beautiful and I can't believe I got so lucky to get to raise such a fun, sweet little girl. Each time she learns a new "trick" she does it non-stop for 2 days and giggles when you watch her.

A few of her favorite new things are:


Giving High fives



Pulling herself into standing

Feeding herself cheerios

Scratching/hitting things to make noise

Getting chased

Running her hands across the bars of her crib




She just recently learned how to climb the stairs and will bee-line for them any chance she gets.

If you're not looking at her and she wants your attention (or singing to her, or have a beard), she will cock her head to one side and gently touch your face.

I can't wait til she starts talking and I can learn what those faces she gives me mean! It has got to be some funny stuff!!

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