My dad's company had one of their annual shin-digs, and this time we got to tag along! It was up snowbird where we got to ride the alpine slide, zip line, chair lifts, bounce house, and chase those weird fat chipmunks around. Kenley LOVED it!

She couldn't quite stay upright in the bounce house, but kept giggling the entire time.

I kept her in her monkey backpack but didn't need it most of the time since she loves her uncle Evan and Grandpa so much. She actually demanded that they both hold her hands constantly.

Kenley got to go down the alpine slide twice. While waiting for our sled to go down the first time we stood watching as people took off down the hill, and she would cheer and clap her hands in delight. When I took her down first she kept yelling "Wooooaa!" and giving me big grins.
The second time she went with BJ and she had the most serene grin on her face the whole time, almost like it was even a little boring!
She's going to be quite the daredevil :)
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