So here's what I have neglected:
My VERY FIRST mothers day ever! It was amazing! It didn't even click that I would be celebrating for me until BJ gave me my first mothers day/anniversary present--A plane ticket to go for the weekend to see my best friend in Washington! Hooray!! (The second gift being flowers, but those were more of an "i'm sorry" which seems to be the only reason I get those things, but that's another story)
Getting to spend some quality time with Lindsey was so great. She's the kind of friend that makes me feel dwarfed in comparison to her amazing-ness. She uplifted me and made me feel so much better about life. Thank you Lindsey!
Among our playing, we made our way to the Glass Museum in Tacoma. It was really cool to watch the artists create these amazing pieces in the "Hot Shop"

And to the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge, which was bee-autiful! Even Kenley loved it

Now what do I do for BJ's first fathers day??? Any ideas?
I'm also back in school full force trying to get my degree within the year. It's kicking my butt! At least the summer semester is only 8 weeks-- I feel better if I say that over and over. Constitutional law seems to be the one that will give me the most trouble because reading the text book cover-to-cover is not my idea of fun!
Cross your fingers for me... In fact, cross your toes too! I'll take whatever luck/help/magic I can get!
In the mean time, I'm IN LOVE with this weather. The sun and warmth is a very welcome change.
I'm also in love with my beauty of a daughter! She's amazing and I can't get enough of her sweet face. I'll post more about her and how much she has already changed later. For now, I'm going to try for something I don't get much of these days--sleep!
Getting to spend some quality time with Lindsey was so great. She's the kind of friend that makes me feel dwarfed in comparison to her amazing-ness. She uplifted me and made me feel so much better about life. Thank you Lindsey!
Among our playing, we made our way to the Glass Museum in Tacoma. It was really cool to watch the artists create these amazing pieces in the "Hot Shop"

And to the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge, which was bee-autiful! Even Kenley loved it
Now what do I do for BJ's first fathers day??? Any ideas?
I'm also back in school full force trying to get my degree within the year. It's kicking my butt! At least the summer semester is only 8 weeks-- I feel better if I say that over and over. Constitutional law seems to be the one that will give me the most trouble because reading the text book cover-to-cover is not my idea of fun!
Cross your fingers for me... In fact, cross your toes too! I'll take whatever luck/help/magic I can get!
In the mean time, I'm IN LOVE with this weather. The sun and warmth is a very welcome change.
I'm also in love with my beauty of a daughter! She's amazing and I can't get enough of her sweet face. I'll post more about her and how much she has already changed later. For now, I'm going to try for something I don't get much of these days--sleep!