My last blog was back in september, yikes! I have a few updates so heres a quick rundown of our recent activities.
For Halloween: We helped my dad and step mom move into their new house, which is great because its one-level living so my dad (with all his back and weakness problems) doesn't have to use stairs! Which have been getting more and more treacherous for him.
Kenley had a hard time finding a quiet place to nap all day, so the hour+ long drive home was full of baby screams. When we got home she passed out in her crib for the night just after 6, poor baby :(
This was the first year BJ and I didn't dress up and go somewhere Halloween-y, and I love celebrating it but was just too pooped to do much else but stay in and watch something spooky.
Grandma made Kenley a flower costume which stayed on just long enough to take pictures.

Also- My baby crawled for the first time today!! She only made it about a foot but she's getting there! That shouldn't be exciting to me, I keep telling her to stay a tiny baby but she's getting so big. I'm tempted to tie her little legs to make her stay imobile, my sweet girl is growing up too fast!
I unpacked the last box!! There may be a few framed pictures still in it but i'm counting it! I hate moving and i'm glad we're done for a little while.
I've been trying to get through this semester. I really like my torts class but I dread public speaking. I leave almost every time with a headache. Can I just say I will never work as a public speaker? I don't know exactly why i'm such a wreck delivering speeches, singing or playing music I can do, but put note cards in my hand and every single insecurity I have in me comes blaring to life.
Lately, I've had the urge to be crafty. I made halloween blocks, necklaces, little onzies with ties on them for the brand new little boys in my life and matching burp cloths.
(Sweet baby Riley modeling)

I also tried my hand at some Bakerella Cake pops, which you can find here. But mine turned out to be chocolatey lumps of sadness. Along with a missing green thumb, I did not inherit the "Good Cook" gene... sigh.....