I've been really bad about posting to the blog lately, and I have a LOT to recap.
So here goes with the quick and dirty version of the happenings this year so far.
First of all lets start with the good parts.
My newest nephew was born friday March 23rd!!
Everett Nephi Smithson
Isn't he just precious? I love him already :)
That makes boy #3 for Carrie Smithson, and boy cousin #4 for Kenley.

I recently discovered Instagram, and have been photographing K in all sorts of mundane activities just to jazz the pic up.

Kenley turned 2 on saturday! Can you believe my baby is TWO YEARS OLD???
She got tons of fun stuff; a trike, scooter, dolls, chalk, bubbles and on and on.....
Since yesterday, because of all these new fun toys, she's been demanding to be outside every waking minute

Since she was turning2, we decided back in january that we should fit in one more flight before she hit that magic number (meaning we'd have to buy her a seperate plane ticket) And i'm glad we did. I love visiting the in-laws, I really lucked out on this bunch.
While we were there we tried to get a shot of all the grandkids, which didn't turn out so well....
As you can see, Kenley was NOT happy about being told to sit still, and the boys got bored pretty fast.
(Can you see the excitement in everyone's face, also the basket was so we could photoshop baby Everett in after he was born)

Lastlly I just want to mention the C word.
It's mean scary word, but in this case I have full faith this bully is also kind of a wimp.
My mom was diagnosed with Folicular Carcinoma, or thyroid cancer.
About a year before they moved to west virginia, my mom noticed a growth under the skin on her neck, and finally got it checked out a couple months ago. After a few inconclusive tests they decided the best course of action was to remove the tumor. At the time of the surgery, they still couldn't tell if it was cancerous or not and sent her on her merry way with a clean bill of health.
Then a week later she got a call with the news that they discovered it, in fact, was cancer.
Rarely fatal. If spread will most likely be in the lungs and bones.
She will go in tomorrow to have the whole thyroid removed and have radioactive iodine run through her body for 3 days to kill off the cancer cells. Then she'll be beat for a long time...
Its such a pain in the butt, she already deals with debilitating arthritis and fatigue. I think her body is kind of a jerk sometimes.
We've had a lot of people reaching out with support and prayers, i'm so thankful for these great people.
Cross your fingers with me while she heals!