Friday, July 23, 2010

Road Rage

With all the driving I have to do lately, i've made a few observations:
1. When i'm in my car I have a false sense of security that drives me to act in inappropriate ways.
2. I have very little patience for poor drivers
3. My impatience and feelings of invincibility prompt many horn honks and hand gestures to these poor drivers who could quite possibly be serial killers.

Although on some level, I'm worried that one day I might be tracked down by some unsavory character that i've offended. All caution is thrown to the wind when, in a single hour, I share the road with the following people:

-The person who turns his blinker on and is shocked that I don't magically disappear when he tries to merge into me.
-Somebody digging in a bag on the passenger seat and swerves halfway into my lane.
-Stopped at a red light, the person in front of me doesn't notice when the light turns green. Leaving me stuck for another rotation.
-The person going 20 in a 40 mph zone (always when i'm running late)
-The one who doesn't understand that, even though the light is red, after you stop you CAN turn right.
-The people who don't know how four-way stops work.
-The aggressive driver that likes to drive as close as possible to my bumper.
-The person turning left, that only watches to his left, as I come up the road on his right.
-The driver going much slower than me on the right, that decides to get into my lane just before I pass, forcing me to slam on my brakes.
-The person that SLAMS on their brakes the minute the light turns yellow.

This is about the time I come un-glued and you would never guess that i'm actually kind of shy and reserved. Are licenses given away in cereal boxes here in Utah??
Maybe I can learn to channel my frustration in some useful way.
Until then, if you pass me on the road and I give you a salute, I hope you will remember that I really am a nice person when out from behind the wheel.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yesterday we caved and took Kenley to get her ears pierced. It was traumatic! ...for 20 seconds.

She was so good and didn't know what was going on until the piercer went in for ear #2. Poor baby wailed, and I felt like shedding a tear myself. But once she was done and I scooped her up in my arms she was over it and had some sparkly new trophies to show for it. I recorded it so my mom and sister could see since they were so curious as to how she would handle it. She's a tough girl and doesn't usually cry for very long, but the video is just too heart-breaking to post. So instead, here's a picture of her visiting her dad at work and how much she loves it!