Saturday, October 29, 2011


Today we went to the pumpkin patch.
It was gloooorious!
Kenley thought all the pumpkins were seats.
There was a pit full of corn for kids to play in.
(And adults in touch with their inner child)
Aunt Kari and uncle Jonathan came too

A small zoo-like area was amazing to Kenley! The giant pig was making all sorts of crazy noises.
It was super fun

Thursday, October 27, 2011


BJ has been kind enough to bring it to my attention that I am totally, completely and disgustingly in love with my baby girl.
But, how can you not be? I mean, look at this girl!! She's awesome!!
Haunted hay ride with creepy noises? No problem!
Ask me what a chicken says. I dare you. "Bawk bawk bawk!"
Then i'll giggle, cause I know i'm hilarious.
Lolli and Kenley, BFF's
A swing is called "Wwweeeee!!"

We're number 1!!
I rest my case.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Earlier this week it snowed... snowed!! And I panicked that I wasn't going to be able to go to the zoo this year.
So we packed up the car with coats and blankets, put on our warm hats and went to see the chilly animals.

Uncle Evan had his own stroller to push.
And yes. We played chicken.
Kenley ran all over that place and was amazed with the giraffes.
(See above right face for said amazement)
There was an exhibit of paintings done by the monkeys at the zoo.
Kenley ran her little self into exhaustion! She slept sweetly through all the noise, and transitions from stroller-to-car and carseat-to-crib.

On a side note......
I had thought that having my own baby would lessen some of my baby crazies.
But it has, in fact, gotten much worse.
Having my own sweet baby (especially such a healthy, lovey, giggling, cuteness smuggler) has turned me into mush.
I swoon over squishy babies.
I squeal in a high pitched baby voice over amazing stunts, like.... rolling over.
It's actually very annoying. My friend Shmeg even makes fun of me... which, if you know her, means i'm pretty ridiculous.

Also, Kenley is in the "Baby loving" phase. She sweetly says "Baby!" and wants to touch every baby she sees, everywhere we go.
Which of course I love, (because how cute can she get?!) and makes my baby-craze soooo much worse.......

Please forgive me when i tell you for the tenth time how adorable/sweet/smart your baby is..... I think it's a sickness, really.
Plus, your baby is really cute.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Ever since the first time I saw those colorful parachutes at point of the mountain, i've imagined what it would be like if I ever got up the guts to do it.
And it was so much more fun than I imagined!
Here's BJ taking off.
It's the coolest sensation to just float up off the ground!
I really wanted a picture of me up in the air but I had the camera in my pocket, this was the best I could do.
(My instructor strapped to my back laughed at me when I said that "I shoulda worn cuter shoes")
I'm mildly terrified of heights and was more than a little nervous. I was afraid I would feel like I was constantly falling, but we just floated along at a surprising speed.
It was heavenly.

BJ's instructor was really funny, and did some tricks that woulda made me puke.
I asked him how he liked having a guy straddling him for a half hour.
He said: "I got his number. That's not weird, is it?"