Monday, October 3, 2011


Ever since the first time I saw those colorful parachutes at point of the mountain, i've imagined what it would be like if I ever got up the guts to do it.
And it was so much more fun than I imagined!
Here's BJ taking off.
It's the coolest sensation to just float up off the ground!
I really wanted a picture of me up in the air but I had the camera in my pocket, this was the best I could do.
(My instructor strapped to my back laughed at me when I said that "I shoulda worn cuter shoes")
I'm mildly terrified of heights and was more than a little nervous. I was afraid I would feel like I was constantly falling, but we just floated along at a surprising speed.
It was heavenly.

BJ's instructor was really funny, and did some tricks that woulda made me puke.
I asked him how he liked having a guy straddling him for a half hour.
He said: "I got his number. That's not weird, is it?"

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