I feel like a blog post isn't complete without a picture, so here's Kenley playing in the snow for the first time this year:
She calls it "Nooowuh" in a reverent sort of way.
Isn't she beautiful?!

It's that time of year again when I really need to acknowledge all of my many blessings.
And there are a LOT to mention:
Discovering the cause of my migraines, and fixing it!
The fact that our cars have lasted as long as they have
Discount supplements
Having so much family living so close
Heated seats
Part time work!
Awesome day care
Big hugs and kisses from Kenley
Time for my projects
Learning new and convenient technology
Temples all around
My sweet baby to share everything with
My man-child to make things more fun
Now i'm going to go eat my weight in mashed potatoes and then pass out in a turkey coma.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
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