Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Call me DICK

Have I mentioned ever that I love my job? I work with some fun ladies!
The topic of funny names came up, and to my satisfaction, these girls delivered! Given who i'm married to and some of the remarks he gets, I love hearing these stories. Like even today! A woman said to him "what an unfortunate name to have" Haha!
Who hasn't known their fare share of Dick Johnson's? While still completely funny, not quite up to the caliber of hilarity that I have found today.
One story involves a Mr. Richard Whacker, who would warmly introduce himself with a "Please.... Call me Dick". Yes, he knew it. He did it to make people laugh and I LOVE that.
Another story that had me hysterical, was about sweet innocent grandparents. Grandpa goes by Dick, which is "chuckle quietly to yourself" kind of funny. But throw in an "I Love Dick" pin that Grandma loved to wear, and full blown mayhem is sure to follow. Grandma never understands why people laugh. BONUS-Grandpa also had a belt buckle with "Dick" on it!
One of my favorites is about camp leaders! Kathy and Richard are camp leaders, except they like to be called Kat and... You guessed it-Dick. The best part is the combination of their names, Dick & Kat.... BALLS! You couldn't make this stuff up!

P.S. Imagine having a boss by the name of Harry Wong. 'Nuf said!
Sorry Mom! I promise, you really did raise a lady!

1 comment:

B.J. said...


You should put this picture on this post.