Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dearest Kindle,

I must admit to being a little shy and apprehensive when we first met. I would ask myself "Do I really need a Kindle in my life to be happy? Or should I learn to love myself first?" Those first few tentative weeks were full of "getting to know you" intrigue and excitement about what could be. I was amazed the first day you delved deep in your soul to show me the top 100 FREE books. That week was a turning point in our relationship, and we would stay up late at night reveling in murder mysteries and tales of magic. I realized my deep feelings for you when I couldn't imagine my future without you. But was it too much too soon? I was scaring myself with the admission!
But that was when you hooked me with a new series, and the joy grew.
The day we had our first fight was a memorable one. They say the first fight in a relationship can ruin it. I wanted you to stay in near-mint condition, and you wanted your face to be cracked. Such a sad day. Thank goodness we were able to mend our troubled relationship with the help of a warranty and some much needed time away.
Now we are inseparable! I ignore the ones who are jealous of us and want to tear us apart (BJ) Those glares and subtle "kindle hiding" aren't lost on me. Because the day came when I realized I wouldn't be the same without you. It was the day I looked in my archived content and noticed the number there.
36 books!
Could it really be? I have been changed and can't walk away from this unscathed any longer.
You have changed me forever with your never-ending supply of books.

I love you Kindle

Stupid exercise...

I used to be very fit. Being in track and two soccer teams forced me to be in prime condition in my teen years. Since then, having a desk job hasn't helped me maintain very well.
Being pregnant was impossibly hard to know how to "gain healthy weight". Which for my body apparently meant "save everything!". It took me until Kenley was 6 months to be back to pre-pregnancy weight. Hip size is another issue. How can you be the same weight but have such impossibly different measurements??
On top of that is my complete sugar addiction.
And I don't say that lightly. When I say "addiction" what I really mean is: I could eat a candy bar for breakfast and skittles, gummy frogs, and diet pepsi for the rest of the day. Which amazingly doesn't make me sick.
My favorite Easter candy has got to be Cadburry eggs. Yes, those giant creme ones.
The other day Fresh Market had a sale and I purchased five. Thinking that I had any sort of self control.
Silly me.
Later that day, I was surprised I wasn't hungry, when I realized to my disgust that I had eaten FOUR of them! Not my finest.
So to recap that day: Banana and cheerios for breakfast, FOUR Cadburry Eggs for lunch/dinner
It's amazing I've survived this long.

So back to exercising.... I realized that I had to pump up my physical activity if I wanted my weird body to snap back into shape. So I took up my old hobby and decided to run again.
I've never been one of those lucky petite girls. I've always been the tough, contact sports kind of girl. And I like to attribute my extra "thickness" to being kick-ass.
My stomach is still strange, since being pregnant, and every now and then I feel like I might jar something loose. Frightening.
I still feel like I'm punishing myself by running, and force myself to run mile after mile all while chanting "swimsuit season" which terrifies me enough to run a few extra laps.
I thought I might make myself feel better and buy proper (cute) running attire. I bought some running pants that are more of a flare leg that help me look less like a weeble as I run along, but they tend to collect more earth than I would like.
These miles have only recently been getting easier, which is really good since I'm starting to get incredibly bored with it. Do people really get a "runner's high"?? And of course, BJ has to come along and run faster an longer than me his first time out in months.
I'm starting to notice more tone and energy, but over all it seems I'm only exercising to keep my sugar habit. Sigh.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

First Annual Kenley Extravaganza!

Do you remember this sweet thing?
It feels like I was just barely pregnant and brought home this tiny sweet bundle, those first few weeks were a blur of short naps and drowsy smiles. It was a dream.
Every new stage has become my favorite. But I'm not gonna lie, I miss my roly-poly baby that would stay put. Now Kenley is much too busy to sit still for anything.

Some new things she does now:
First words-dada, mama, and now thank you!
Snuggles only with dad, he can do no wrong :)
Crawls like a maniac
Starting to walk, makes several reckless steps before face planting
Loves being chased
Insists you feed her what you're eating
Much more interested in things and tools than her plethora of toys
Gives hugs
Blows kisses
Hides things in our shoes
Will go to anyone
Talks herself to sleep
Hugs her stuffed monkey
Insists on turning the pages of her books herself
Loves cranberries and giggles while she eats them
Loves her reflection
Clicks her tongue to entertain herself
Laughs if you laugh
Fake cries
Fake Laughs
Laughs until she falls over
Reaches up when she wants to be held (and usually whimpers "mama")
Will yammer on for several minutes about something very important and serious
Thinks sneezes are hilarious
Has a TON of attitude.

I can't believe she's starting to become a little girl. I really can't wait til she starts to talk because those faces she gives us are priceless and I can't wait to hear what she means.
This little girl warms my heart in new ways every day and when I have time, we play until my stomach hurts from laughing.
BJ and I have always had an incredibly close relationship, but the bond of having a child of our own has brought us closer than I ever thought possible. And I thank our heavenly father every day for sending us this perfect little girl to protect and nurture.

Everyone is welcome to attend her birthday celebration this Saturday at 2. Come eat and play with us! Call/text for directions

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Funny Girl

Kenley thinks everything BJ does is hysterical. He was making a funny face at her, and this is how you can tell she's just about ready to pass out.

Love this girl!!! I can't get enough of her funny face!!