Do you remember this sweet thing?
It feels like I was just barely pregnant and brought home this tiny sweet bundle, those first few weeks were a blur of short naps and drowsy smiles. It was a dream.
Every new stage has become my favorite. But I'm not gonna lie, I miss my roly-poly baby that would stay put. Now Kenley is much too busy to sit still for anything.
Some new things she does now:
First words-dada, mama, and now thank you!
Snuggles only with dad, he can do no wrong :)
Crawls like a maniac
Starting to walk, makes several reckless steps before face planting
Loves being chased
Insists you feed her what you're eating
Much more interested in things and tools than her plethora of toys
Gives hugs
Blows kisses
Hides things in our shoes
Hides things in our shoes
Will go to anyone
Talks herself to sleep
Hugs her stuffed monkey
Insists on turning the pages of her books herself
Loves cranberries and giggles while she eats them
Loves her reflection
Clicks her tongue to entertain herself
Laughs if you laugh
Fake cries
Fake Laughs
Laughs until she falls over
Reaches up when she wants to be held (and usually whimpers "mama")
Will yammer on for several minutes about something very important and serious
Thinks sneezes are hilarious
Has a TON of attitude.
Has a TON of attitude.
I can't believe she's starting to become a little girl. I really can't wait til she starts to talk because those faces she gives us are priceless and I can't wait to hear what she means.
This little girl warms my heart in new ways every day and when I have time, we play until my stomach hurts from laughing.
BJ and I have always had an incredibly close relationship, but the bond of having a child of our own has brought us closer than I ever thought possible. And I thank our heavenly father every day for sending us this perfect little girl to protect and nurture.
Everyone is welcome to attend her birthday celebration this Saturday at 2. Come eat and play with us! Call/text for directions
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