So.... I need to get this out of my system..... I'm turning into a crazy, obsessive mom-to-be. I feel the need to bring up my pregnancy to total strangers, and at any opening when I'm with friends.
I must find an outlet for my madness!
I'm so completely overjoyed and elated that we are starting our family, and I am thrilled by every little development. This week's updates included that my baby is the size of a lemon and can now pee! That's right, he/she is floating around in pee, poor thing.
After a year of crossing my fingers (and holding my legs in the air) it feels like a huge weight has been lifted that neither of us is defective. Plus a year of stressing and praying feels like forever, it was really difficult to cope- I saw pregnant women and babies everywhere. I was surrounded and it was KILLING me.
But now, it's amazing! I'm heading into week 15 and I've been so lucky with no puking. I'm starting to realize now that I actually didn't feel that great that first little while, cause I'm feeling great and energized now. Excitement must have covered all that bad stuff up for me.
I have the smallest of pooches and have been good and only gained a couple el bees so far. It's uncomfortable to button my pants and I just feel chubby. I hope this awkward stage passes quickly though, because in the next little while the most exciting things are supposed to happen: I should start to feel kicking in the next few weeks, I'll get a roundness that people wont confuse with chub, and in a month I'm finding out the sex!
WARNING- Cheesy part to follow, if you are easily nauseated please end reading here.
I am so lucky to have such a sweet and supportive husband with all this. He has been so excited and has actually been reading about the process and his part in it! Every night, he kisses my belly and says "I love you baby". Sometimes he even unconsciously places his hand on the bump. I know we're in for some rough times, but I couldn't have chosen a better partner to have with me. I can't wait to make you a dad, and see you fulfill this role that you will be so good at.
ohh this is so sweet! i love it! and you are SO LUCKY! i hate you! hehe...just kidding. thanks for giving me constant support & encouragment and for just GETTING IT. it's good to have you for a friend, girl. :D
Sweet! I love that you are so thrilled, you should be!
I secretly shop the maternity racks for sale items in stores...SHHHHH. You should get out there! No I am not pregnant, I just like to shop!
You are so dang cute. Keep updating - I want to know what's happening with the lil' peanut. :)
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