Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scatterbrain-oidosis Awareness!

I am writing in hopes of raising awareness of this terrible problem!
Recently my symptoms of Scatterbrain-oidosis have become exponentially worse. I don't feel justified in blaming "Pregnancy Brain" for these memory malfunctions, since these are things I have been doing all my life. While I'm still not sure if its something in the water or if the changing weather has this much of an effect on me, I am sure that if I don't find a cure soon I could do some major damage!
My symptoms include:

A) Putting "away" B.J.'s ipod in the fridge.

B) Going to the grocery store and forgetting what for until i get back home.

C) Registering and attending the wrong class for 4 weeks. (Yes, that is correct)

D) Applying one side of eye makeup, but not the other.

E) Packing a lunch for myself and promptly leaving it on the table.

F) Calling B.J. repeatedly, then calling highway patrol when he doesn't answer-only to remember that Thursday he has his weekly evening lab.

Scatterbrain-oidosis (aka: hairbrained, birdbrained, airheaded, ditsy and simpleminded) can play havoc on your personal life- I once forgot to pick up a friend for a baby shower that was 20 minutes away. Luckily, she still talks to me.

I know there are other sufferers out there like me, maybe you are too ashamed and don't want to come forward. There is no shame in admitting your problem! The shame comes with going to the gym in the morning and forgetting your bra at home!

Lets come together and find a cure!


jessica said...

this is AWESOME! i am the same way. you crack me up, woman.

Roylance Fam said...

HAHA Gina you just made my day:) IM glad Im not the only one out there.. MY most recent scatterbrained event being going to cook some yummy breaded chicken the other night in the oven and not being able to figure out for the life of me why it was taking so long!!! I seriously checked it every fifteen minutes for an hour and nothing!! I kept cutting into the middle to see if the pink was gone and it was always there.. Needless to say I forgot to turn the oven on:)You'd think i'd realize there was no heat coming out of the even each time I opened it...but NO, Im retarded,haha. And I am sticking to blaming it on being pregnant;)