Monday, January 25, 2010

Finer Moments

As everyone who knows me will say, I am married to a man-boy. Frustrating as it can be, I am given so much more in return for what I put up with. The last few weeks have been (as always) play time for BJ, which have given me plenty of material. I don't understand how someone can take as much time as he does to play and still get a regular paycheck, but it keeps me on my toes. In between catering for me, school and work he still manages to amaze me with how much of a kid he is!
Honestly, this "adult" could out play any ten year old (and usually does)

Naturally, as any man-boy is, BJ is very curious about things. For example, when I received my breast pump he just had to know what all the fuss was about and try it for himself.
Thank you BJ, for making sure nothing in life is ever boring or monotonous :)


Schoenstars said...

"It's funny cuz he's fat!"

Roylance Fam said...

How funny. It's seems as if our hubbys may never grow up, lol. We need to play soon!!!