I'm exhausted. It was a long busy day. One that makes me feel good and productive. But still exhausted.
It started with a trip to the doctors. It was Kenley's 4 month appointment, which means shots :(
She gave me this face on and off all day:
It broke my heart. These weren't her normal cries with easy comforting, these were soft pathetic raspy cries that had me holding, singing and rocking her all day. The tears she has now make it 10 times worse!
(if you've never notived, newborns dont have tears)Her measurements told us this: Weight-50th, height-82nd and head-90th. I coulda told them she had a huge noggin!
When she would drift off to sleep for 20-30 minutes at a time, I would pick up the books to study for my last 2 finals (almost over!) But I'm burnt out and ready for it to just be done! So I took on the task of re-arranging all the furniture in the house. Our house is pretty tiny, but I moved and cleaned everything. So it kept me busy and running back and forth to the shed all day.
You know that feeling when every last dust bunny in your house is dead? Thats a good feeling!
I had just gotten Kenley down for another cat-nap and was in the process of moving the couch, when someone threw a rock at the window! Or so I thought... I ran to the back porch only to hear more hitting the front door. Then the pelting
really began. It was so loud! I realized it was hail and remembered that I left the shed door wide open and ran to save all our junk through these huge suckers---

Thats the size of ice I like to have in my drinks! Those crazy clouds!
After it died down, the thunder and lightening started again that had been going all last night and Kenley was in need of another good cuddle. After a struggle I finally got her to sleep around 10 and then got all the furniture in place in time for BJ to get home.
So here I sit, tired and covered in the grime of deep cleaning, but satisfied and wanting to remember this feeling; In todays chaos, I was reminded that this is everything I have ever wanted-a life to share and make better with my own family. It was a good day-and tonight I'll sleep like a rock!