Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kari, Kari, Carrie, Kris, Chris, and three Ray's

I have a task ahead of me to distinguish all the aunts and uncles in my family for Kenley. It's kind of confusing as it is:

Kari Dolan (My brothers fiance, soon to be Kari Bryner)
Kari Bryner (my sister)
Carrie Driggers (BJ's sister)

Carrie is a hair dresser, and my sister Kari is going to beauty school to become a hair dresser.
What do you think I should do? Nick-names for all? Or # them 1-2-and 3?
Oh, and they just happen to all be adorable.

Kris Driggers (BJ's brother)
Chris Bryner (my brother)
These two also happen to have the same birthday. Crazy right?

Ray is a family name on both our sides. My grandpa was Ray so my brother Evan has Ray as his middle name. So do BJ and his dad.

We're planning on naming our first boy after BJ, so there would be 3 Bennett Ray's in the family.
I hope Kenley isn't too confused!

1 comment:

Schoenstars said...

you lost me back at kari