Monday, August 30, 2010


Husband for Football Season

Duties include:Attending family functions, Not flaking on date-nights, the occasional best-friends'-kids'-first birthday party, Saying "uh-huh" when you've actually heard what i've said, Wearing something other than the "lucky team hat" which is dirty and stinks, Never yelling at the TV or using the phrase "right in the kisser".

Qualifications: Must either hate or have a strong sense of boredom when watching anything football. ie: pre-game show, "the big game" (which, i guess, they all are) , half-time show, post-game highlights/discussion.
Must love to: hike, swim, bowl, spend time with good friends, have all-around fun.
Compensation: A strong feeling of fulfilment and well being, the chance to play with some fun people!

If you have any inquiries or interests in this exciting job opportunity, come on over! I will be the one wearing this--


Linds said...

You are hilarious...Would a girlfriend do? I like to do all of those things! Teehee. Best of luck. :)

Roylance Fam said...

I am with you 100 percent Gina!!! We will find something to do...Jeff is already glued to the TV watching old high school football games in anticipation of all the "real" ones!! maybe we can develop a really bad shopping habit that forces them to pay attention to us and help us overcome OUR "addictions";)

B.J. said...

If you can shop without spending money, go ahead.

JonAli said...

So is BJ allowed to put up a "wanted" add for a wife during football season?

Gina Driggers said...

Haha Jon-Yep! But pretty sure he already has someone filling that role-but its a dude.