Saturday, August 7, 2010


How adorable is this little girl?!

She snorts when she laughs really hard and cries

She wakes up with a big goofy grin
She'll stick her tongue back out at you
She's fascinated by her toes
She sucks on all four fingers because one thumb is just not enough
She blabs on and on in her baby talk raspy voice
She always makes her eyebrows jump before a smile

She hates her car seat but loves watching things pass by the window
She gets bigger and chunkier by the day

And she was well worth the wait


Schoenstars said...

I love the ones where's she's lying in the grass with her little purple chucks!

Linds said...

Oh she is such a sweetheart. I agree you two are extremely blessed! Love you guys and I can't wait to see you AGAIN!!