Sunday, May 22, 2011

14 Months

I've decided that I will forever refer to Kenley's age in months. If she continues to defy me and grow up I will show my disapproval in this small way.

She is constantly rebelling my wishes and progressing to such grown up things. For instance: Ask her where her eye is and she will say "Eyes!" and proceed to poke herself in the eye. Ask her to bring you a diaper or her shoes, without pointing at them, and she will.

We sent a video out to all the family of K. We were asking her where her tummy was and she was giggling and smacking herself in the belly. My dad called me and asked me who the little boy was in the video. He couldn't believe it was Baby K acting so grown up!
(I forgave him just this once for thinking my beautiful baby girl was a boy)

She has such a sweetness about her and I can't control myself from smooching her cheeks constantly. I'm sure every parent feels this way about they're own babies, but I know she's special and here with us for an important mission.

The other day we went for a stroll and K insisted on walking. She held my hand for most of the way, which I absolutely adored. She pointed at things, felt leaves, ran after Drake, and tried to eat anything that looked interesting. On the way back she noticed dandelion puffs, and was mesmerized by them. She was so gentle with them! I showed her what happens when you blow on them and she clapped then tried to mimic by blowing raspberries. :) Then the gentleness ended as she proceeded to tear them apart and throw them in the air. It was a sweet moment while it lasted!

1 comment:

Linds said...

No doubt that girl is special. I will never forget her sweet little cuddles. Love you all!