4 years ago I made one of the biggest choices of my life. It was picking you BJ! And I will do it every day for the rest of forever. This year we were in Alabama for our 4th anniversary. BJ bought me these awesome running shoes, and surprised me with a night at the suite where we spent our wedding night.
Actually... I should specify that he dropped me off and left to go play basketball. It was glorious!
But before you think thats not as romantic as it actually was, let me tell you this: Since Kenley has come into our lives I have had ZERO minutes alone just by myself. I value my quiet time a lot more now. Also we'd been staying at BJ's parents who are extremely giving and loving people. But the house was packed, and the Driggers' consider everything in the house to be communal. Including space.
So I would be dead asleep and in walks someone wanting to watch TV in the room we're sleeping in. Or I will be in the bathroom and one of the boys will try to come in and be so upset that I lock the door, which I guess never happens.
Needless to say I was about to crack!
So letting me spend some time alone in a beautiful room with my good friend- midnight milky way- was a great way to celebrate four happy years of marriage. We stayed and slept in the huge bed until check out time at 1:30. Amazing.
I love you so much BJ and look forward to many many more happy years!!
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