Instead of listing all the many, many, many things we got for christmas, or posting about how I lasted until the late party hour of 9 on new years- I think i'll post about the thing that has taken up soooo much more of my time lately.
For the past couple of weeks Kenley has been showing tons of signs that she is ready for potty training; Telling me when she pees or poops, tries to sit on the little potty chair, tries to pull her pants down to pee in potty, watching me very interested when I pee (a little creepy, but i hear it helps?) Etc, Etc...
And somebody at every turn lending me advice (well meaning, albeit unsolicited) about how she's ready and "You know what you should do...." and "The sooner the better..."
So naturally I started feeling like a terrible mom for not potty training her sooner! How could I miss the signs!!
So I read up on the best techniques and asked friends, and decided to set the potty date!
I had the week after christmas off work so the timing was perfect!
I started by introducing the potty, having her sit on it clothed and get excited about it, reading books about the potty and watching movies about the potty.
A few days of this and we were all set with the regimen.
Day one-
We hunkered down in the kitchen so I could leave her bare bottomed to learn to notice when she pees.
This day sucked.
A lot.
I didn't even have time to shower.
But I had high hopes of progress!
Day two-
Still bare bottomed, we ventured hand in hand out of the kitchen to the bathroom.
She seemed to be understanding that Pee-pee doesn't go on the floor, although she couldn't quite hold it, but would just say "Uh ooooh" right before the warm yellow stream made its appearance.
I was able to trick her several times into going pee with the potty chair on the counter in the bathroom, the water running, while she played with the water.
We would scream, dance, clap, brush our teeth (she loves it) every time she pottied.
She's gonna get it!
The trip in the afternoon to see if she would keep her pants dry was a bust, but I still felt pretty good about it.
Day three-
About the same as day 2.
Only she would say "Pee pee!" So we'd rush to the potty she would plop down for 30 seconds, sing a song, then jump up clapping and shouting "Yaaayy!" as the dribble she just began pours all over the floor.
So in my mind, she's getting it right? (even though i'm slowly losing my mind, and have you noticed the word "Potty" has lost all meaning?)
Day four-
She even tells me when she needs to poop.
I have by this time learned the subtle body language telling me she's ready to potty.
Day five-
Same as day four, but i've realized there's no helping the little dribble preceding each pee.
Our trips come back with dry pants, HOORAY!
Uses the potty happily and tells me about 70% of the time when she needs to.
But I cave and buy pull-ups since she'll be going back to daycare and I don't want poor Tiffany to deal with pee all over her floors.
Day six-
Potty training... what potty training???
She refuses to use the potty or even sit on it clothed!!
She went back to daycare and (I guess) decided the big girl potty is not cool.
I don't blame Tiffany at all, there are just too many fun things to play with.
Since its counterproductive, we're not fighting Kenley on this. It frustrates me so much to have gotten so good, only to lose all momentum!
But we'll give it a bit, not push it, and try again when she starts asking to again.
Sigh... so close
By the way, I will be shampooing all the carpeted areas in our home.