Thursday, April 19, 2012

Aaaaaahh SWING!!

Last night, when it finally stopped raining and the sun came out, we went to our first baseball game of the season.
I love going to games, the atmosphere is so much fun!
And now that Kenley is getting old enough to participate in things, its even more fun!
She had more fun than I expected. She watched the players throwing the ball with fascination and really got into it when everyone cheered.

Lately, when she asks for something its always "too", so when she asked for a hotdog it was "Hoggog too and juice too peeeess"
She's so funny!!
Please excuse the messy hair, I picked her up and brought her to the game straight from daycare where she always runs herself all disheveled :)

She loved meeting Bumble, kept giving him hugs and kisses, and forgot we were taking pictures.
After spilling her juice all down her front she took the whole bucket of popcorn and giggled the entire time she was eating it, all the while "cheering" and yelling for the team
We had so much fun!

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