Thursday, April 5, 2012

Drab Snigger Jig

Since the beginning of time (on this blog), i've really struggled with what I should name it.
I tried just our names, which felt incomplete
I tried Driggers Family, which there already is with my sis-in-law Jess's blog.
I thought about using "Driggers... [something]" so you'd know who it was right away, but i wanted the freedom to blog about whatever else i wanted and not limit myself to posts solely about family.
And for a while I settled on our fams initials "BGK" knowing it wouldn't last.

Fast-forward a year and recently I got to work on finding anagrams of BJ, Gina and Driggers combined. I wanted something unique and fun, like I think we are (is that really vain to say??)

My exhaustion-fueled brain came up with something that I feel is brilliant.
Drab Snigger Jig

What does it mean? Good question!
Drab: dull, cheerless, lacking in spirit, brightness etc.
'Cause we all need a little polish

Snigger: a sly or disrespectful laugh, esp when partly stifled
Perfect :)

Jig: a rapid, lively, springy, irregular dance for one or more persons
More perfect!

In other words it means:
A dull, disrespectful giggle in a lively, irregular dance.

Brilliant or ridiculous?


Schoenstars said...

So I just played around with an anagram generator and some of my favorites using a combination of our names

Censor Hock
Carney Lair
A alliance rarely
Cranial area yell

And of course, my all time favorite anagram for Ryan Claire Lalea:

Anal Eclair Relay

CarrieYvonne said...

Love it!