We went to see Santa at the festival of trees. I was a little worried that Kenley wouldn't want anything to do with him so I warmed her up to the idea by showing her Santa on the computer and we practiced telling him that she wanted a Dolly.
She LOVED him!! She was all smiles and even giggled when she saw him.
When Santa asked her what she wanted she said "Dawee puhweez!" and when she was given a candy cane -"Dank-oo".
I was so proud!!
Then she proceeded to destroy said candy cane, as well as her white top. (Thank goodness for Shout)

She's growing up so fast! It's so much fun!
She's reaching her "Terrible twos" and is becoming more independent.
Sassy pants tells me "No!" and "Top!" (Stop) regularly.
She's a really good eater, i'm amazed at the amount of food this dainty girl can put away.
She rambles on and on with stories that must be amazing, i just cant understand her. (I think she's speaking Chinese, yep that must be it)
She's learned to open and start the dishwasher.
She'll throw her toys out of their basket only to sing the clean-up song and put them back. She bobs around singing "Mean-up, mean-up, mean-up".
Elmo is her most favorite thing. She will dance around excitedly when he's on TV and yell "EHMOO! EHMOO!"
I'm amazed when she recognizes that little monster character everywhere. Even in the most abstract displays of him!
She's in a "baby-loving" stage, she wants to hug and kiss all the babies she sees :) Which naturally prompts many a cheek smooch from me, she puts up with it.
I will be posting again soon about all the toys she will be spoiled with this christmas! We actually have to move around some furniture to make room for all of it!
Lucky girl :)